Below is a list of current job openings. Click on the links for information about the positions. If the position you are interested in is currently filled, feel free to still fill out an application and we’ll let you know if something becomes available.

  1. Farm Crew

  2. Farmers Market Staff

Ideal Candidate: 

  • Some experience in small scale intensive organic vegetable farming is a plus for but not a requirement for all positions

  • Ability to do physical work under varying weather conditions

  • Ability to work both independently and as part of a larger team

  • Attention to detail and pride in a job well done

  • Good communication skills

  • Good customer service skills

  • A valid driver’s license is a plus

  • Positive Attitude

  • No drama

What We Can Offer: 

  • A solid foundation in the various skills involved in bio-intensive vegetable production

  • A unique insight into to the challenges of starting a small scale diversified farming operation

  • An introduction to regenerative agriculture and a system based approach to vegetable growing.

  • Experience in both wholesale and direct to consumer marketing

  • Communication and leadership skills

  • Access to produce from the farm

  • A nice farmer’s tan


Below is a list of things we’ll need in order for you to be considered for a position. Please email the below items to info@steadfast-farm.com

  1. Our application filled out (please add your name to the application file name after you fill it out)

  2. Your resume

  3. Video Interview (see below for instructions)

  4. Completed personality test (email us the results)

Video interview Instructions:

This is just an informal way for us to get to know you a little better.  We're not asking for anything fancy, just record yourself answering the questions below with a phone or computer and then email over the video. The video should only be a few minutes long. Since video files can be large, we recommend you uploading your video to something like google drive and sending us a link. Make sure to set the permissions to “Anyone on the internet with this link can view”.

Video Interview Questions:

  1. Tell us a little bit of your story.

  2. What are you passionate about?

  3. What are your hobbies?

  4. What got you interested in agriculture?

  5. Why are you interested in working at Steadfast Farm?

  6. What are the main areas of our farm that you're most interested in and why?

  7. What strengths do you have that will help you in working at Steadfast Farm

  8. What type of challenges would you foresee for yourself working at Steadfast Farm?

Let us know if you have any questions about the positions or our application process.  We’re looking forward to hearing from you. info@steadfast-farm.com